March Construction Times
A permit to temporarily vary from the hours of work regulations in New Albany has been approved, allowing for construction from 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday throughout the month of March. Additional work hours have been approved for March 16 and March 19 from 3 a.m. to 9 p.m.
To meet the provisions of the permit, the construction team shall make every effort to keep exterior noise and lighting to a minimum outside of regular work hours. To reduce noise impacts to neighbors, the construction team may implement the following:
• Use of shusher style back-up alarms (i.e. White Sound Alarms) instead of back-up beepers.
• Reducing the idling of equipment and if feasible, select small equipment still capable of efficiently performing a task.
• Inspect equipment and trucks for proper muffling systems and maintenance during daytime hours.
• Staging and movement of construction equipment shall be organized to minimize the use of backup alarms.
• Crane horns/whistles replaced with a combination of radios and lights.
• Construction activities are not permitted on holidays.
• If feasible, use the local power grid in lieu of generators.
• Prohibit truck deliveries before 7:30 a.m. and after 3:30 p.m. unless executing a planned concrete placement.
Evaluations in preparation for construction during off-hours include:
• Bechtel will collect daytime and off-hours decibel readings (baseline data). This data will be utilized to establish the expected decibel level for work.
• Periodically monitor decibel levels during construction activities at receptor sites.