Work Hour Variance

A work hour variance has been approved from January through March 2025 for the following hours of work:
Day Shift, Monday through Saturday from 5:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Night Shift, Monday through Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.
Potential impacts to residents or business will be taken into consideration and monitored during overnight work to protect persons from excessive noise, light, and traffic effects. Existing mitigation measures include but are not limited to:
• Although construction activities may commence at 5:30 a.m., deliveries will be prohibited before 7:30 a.m. unless supporting a mass concrete pour.
• Night shift activities will occur primarily in the central part of the site (SUT) at grade to reduce noise and light emissions.
• Night shifts are expected Mondays through Fridays starting at 6 p.m. There will not be any night shifts on Saturday or Sunday nights.
• Lighting at all gates (1-7) is anticipated to be active during these months. These lights will be pointed downward to the greatest extent practicable to minimize the amount of light directed offsite and may remain on to maintain safe walk paths and appropriate security control.
To reduce noise impacts to neighbors, the construction team may implement the following:
• Use of shusher style backup alarms (e.g. white sound alarms) instead of back-up beepers.
• Reducing the idling of equipment and, if feasible, select small equipment still capable of efficiently performing a task.
• Inspect equipment and trucks for proper muffling systems and maintenance during daytime hours.
• Staging and movement of construction equipment shall be organized to minimize the use of backup alarms.
• If feasible, crane horns/whistles replaced with a combination of radios and lights.
• Construction activities are not permitted on holidays.
• If feasible, use the local power grid in lieu of generators.
• Prohibit truck deliveries before 7:30AM and after 4:30PM unless executing a planned mass concrete placement.
Evaluations in preparation for construction during off-hours include:
• Bechtel will collect daytime and off-hours decibel readings (baseline data). This data will be utilized to establish the expected decibel level for work.
• Periodically monitor decibel levels during construction activities at receptor sites.