The TMD chapter includes Landscape Design Standards to ensure consistency and certainty throughout the TMD area is achieved. The landscape plans for TMD development is reviewed and approved by the City Landscape Architect.
The primary purpose of these Landscape Design Standards is to:
- Preserve and extend the refined rural nature of the city’s non-urban districts with a soft, undulating landscape and native deciduous and evergreen tree stands.
- Screen, or buffer from view, the working components of the ground floors of larger facilities, such as parking and service drives, functional and storage structures, service doors, and trash and utility infrastructure yards.

Berms are man-made earthen mounds, typically used to screen or protect areas. In New Albany, the goal is to create planted, undulating berms that appear natural to screen parking and structures. In the TMD, these berms will border all principal arterial roadways. The berms will vary in height based on the approved TMD design standards (specifics provided on reverse side of this sheet). Berms will consist of attractive “no mow” grass and varying tree groupings to further screen and naturalize the edges.
New development must appropriately address stormwater runoff and water quality. Within the city, stormwater features are designed to align with the rural, natural landscape character of New Albany. Stormwater management will be integrated into the landscape as part of the edge screening in the TMD. Stormwater ponds may be visible as gateway features in certain instances or woven into the site area behind the berms.
The typical setback is 200 feet for pavement and 500 feet for buildings. Setbacks may be reduced in some areas to 100 feet for pavement and 300 feet for buildings. Mounds are required to be constructed in the setback area and will vary in height between 4 and 14 feet, with a typical height of 12 feet pictured in the diagram. Landscaping will planted in a natural pattern with mixed deciduous trees and native understory shrubs along the street side of mounds for additional screening.
The minimum setback is 25 feet for pavement and 50 feet for buildings which is standard in the New Albany Business Park. If there is a residential property immediately across the street, the setbacks are enhanced to a minimum of 100 feet for pavement and buildings, and a 10 foot tall mound is required to be constructed within the setback area. Other mounds in the setback will vary between 5 and 7 feet in height, with an average height of 6 feet shown in the diagram. Landscaping will planted in a natural pattern for additional screening.